Chin and cheek liposuction in Frankfurt
Professional care by groisman & laube
Fatty deposits in the chin region, among them also what is called a “double chin” frequently refuse to react to diet and similar measures. In our practice in Frankfurt we are going to discuss with you your individual situation and show you how a liposuction can contribute to a more pleasant appearance of the chin region – so that your whole face will look younger and fresher again.
Prior to liposuction
Our first consultation serves primarily for analyzing the situation. It is especially important to differentiate whether there is mostly an increased accumulation of fatty deposits or whether there is also an excess of facial skin. If a combination of excessive skin and excessive fat is diagnosed, you as a patient might profit from an additional neck lift. If there are mostly just excess fatty tissues, they can be treated by liposuction.
Facial liposuction procedure
While you are in twilight sleep, a liquid, i.e. a sodium chloride, solution (tumescence solution), will be inserted into the chin area through narrow cannulae. This solution will then be sucked out along with the fatty tissues.
We are using very narrow suction needles that are introduced through two or three accesses that are only a few millimeters in size. Once the healing is finished the access openings will be barely or not at all visible.
After the cosmetic surgery
After the operation an elastic bandage will be applied that guarantees that the skin lies firmly on the underlying layers of muscle and connective tissue so that the new situation can become permanent. This bandage should be worn for eight to ten days but may be removed for a short while, for instance for washing your hair.
After facial liposuction there may be swellings or discolorations. But as a rule they become invisible or close to invisible after one or two weeks. There should be no sports or sauna for some three to four weeks.