Zahnärztin Dr. Ly mit Patientin | groisman & laube

PRGF (Plasma Rich in Growth Factors) treatment by the oral, maxillofacial and facial surgeons

This procedure involves the insertion of a patient’s own blood plasma into bone defects caused by the operation in order to promote healing and reduce the post-surgical swelling.

For this purpose, the patient must donate a few tubes of his own blood prior to the treatment. In a special centrifuge the blood will be prepared in such a way that the plasma is available separately from the other blood components. The plasma gained in this manner (PRGF = plasma rich in growth factors) contains a high concentration of thrombocytes (blood platelets) that are, in turn, rich in the body’s own growth factors and stimulate the wound’s healing process.

The plasma treated in this manner is stabilized by a heat incubator and inserted into the wound at the end of the operation. Since these are the body’s own materials PRGF® is easily accepted by the body. A combination with bone shavings gained from the patient’s own body is possible for an improved bone regeneration.

In addition to improved healing, treatments with plasma are becoming more and more popular as a method for rejuvenating skin. They act by stimulating the body’s own regeneration and repair processes.