Professionelle Zahnreinigung (PZR) | groisman & laube

Professional Tooth Cleaning at the Bethanien Dental Center

It is totally natural that food particles and bacteria form plaque. Due to the plaque the surface of the dental enamel becomes continually rougher over time – and that makes an ideal base for bacteria. Over the course of time these attack the dental enamel, dissolve it and cause the formation of gum pockets.

Daily dental care with toothbrush, dental floss and tongue cleaner is the proper protection from diseases for your teeth and your gums. But even the best care at home has its limits. With our professional tooth cleaning we are helping to perfect your dental care. Our experienced and professional staff will look after those places in the oral cavity that are hard to reach – such as the rear molars and the spaces between the teeth.

Brush twice a day, clean twice a year

An especially thorough professional tooth cleaning protects from diseases of the teeth and the periodontium. The plaque is removed with professional instruments and materials. Then a special air-abrasion device will be utilized against persistent discolorations. Afterwards the spaces between the teeth are cleaned with little brushes, instruments and dental floss. Finally, a polish for smoothing the dental enamel makes it harder for bacteria to settle down again on the teeth. The protection of your teeth will be concluded perfectly with a fluoride varnish.

Both patients with healthy teeth and gums and those with an increased risk for caries or periodontitis will profit from a professional tooth cleaning. If patients already have caps, bridges or implants, the professional tooth cleaning provides a particularly valuable protection for your dentures and will increase their life expectancy.

We recommend that you have your teeth professionally cleaned twice per year. Within the scope of our recall system with its regular checks professional tooth cleanings at larger intervals can also be included. In individual cases, the frequency may be different, our dentists will advise you. More and more health insurances are by now recognizing the beneficial health aspects of professional tooth cleaning and will pay for parts of the treatment.