Kinn- und Nasenkorrektur | groisman & laube

Esthetic nose and chin correction in Frankfurt am Main

For assessing a harmonious and esthetic facial profile the shapes of nose and chin are of crucial importance. After successful treatment of a malocclusion the correction of nose and chin is frequently the final step to a facial symmetry and harmony that patients have never known before. 

Nose corrections (rhinoplasties)

The nose correction is a frequent esthetic-plastic operation. But the relationship between the shapes of nose and lips and the position of the maxilla is only rarely identified so that the functional aspects of nasal breathing, lip function and biting function are often neglected in nose corrections.

If the listed functional and esthetic symptoms of a dysgnathia are present in your case we recommend malocclusion diagnostics prior to an intended nose operation, be it with a view to function or one to esthetics. In order to achieve an optimum functional-esthetic treatment result, the malpositioning of the jaw should always be treated first and the appearance of the nose afterwards.

Chin corrections

Chin corrections are often performed within the scope of a treatment for malocclusion and even more often as a strictly esthetic operation. Principally, it is possible to work with a patient’s own tissue or with implants. Both procedures cause a three-dimensional alteration of the chin region and must be based on an exact diagnosis, analysis and planning supplemented by computer-aided cephalometry.

After a correction of the malocclusion, for instance, moving the upper jaw forward while simultaneously moving the lower jaw back, the lower jaw may still appear too prominent. This is esthetically disadvantageous especially for women so that an additional chin correction ought to be performed where the bone of the chin will be shortened in height and/or length to a degree that lets us achieve a harmonization of the individual facial esthetics and of lip function.


If the chin appears too weak a chin plasty by repositioning of the tip of the chin may be used. This creates an individual chin contour by using a patient’s own tissue without adding foreign material. If the distance is too much, bone transplants or bone supplements are used.

The correction of chin asymmetries, e.g. in a case of facial scoliosis, may become very difficult since all three spatial strata (vertical, sagittal, transversal) are concerned. Different techniques are used in combination for these cases.

If, for certain reasons, a patient’s own tissues (relocation of the tip of the chin) shall not be used for a chin correction, chin implants (such as Medpor® implants) offer an alternative. They can be shaped indiviudally and have been in use successfully in the facial region for a long time.

Both chin plasties and the insertion of chin implants are performed exclusively through the mouth and without any cuts in the face.