Technische Ausstattung Röntgengerät | groisman & laube

Technical Equipment

We want you to feel that you are in excellent and experienced care in our medical practice which is why we will give you the best possible state-of-the-art treatments. This is made possible by lots of know-how, continued training courses and many years of experience. In addition, we have the most modern facilities which allow us on the one hand even more precise and safer treatments and on the other hand to pay attention to your wellbeing during and after treatment.

Digital volume tomography (DVT)

For coming to a diagnosis and making sure of it we consider it extremely important to employ the latest scientific research and technology. For instance, we are using 3-D X-ray technology (digital volume tomography DVT) for imaging structures that can barely be shown by conventional X-ray technology. Exceptional detail and wide range of angles of view of DVT are opening up a new dimension in X-ray diagnostics for our field. The imaging procedure allows three-dimensional, high-resolution images with much less radiation than conventional computer tomography. The exact spatial presentation of the structures concerned and of individual anatomical conditions result in perfect planning and predictability of surgery results, especially when we are dealing with bone structures that are difficult to depict. As far as exact planning of implants is concerned this X-ray procedure ensures great treatment safety.

Operating microscope

In order to be able to perform microsurgical operations in a very confined space we are using a Zeiss operating microscope for our oral surgeries. Magnification up to 40 times lets our surgeons profit from greatly improved sight. Especially when doing root resections, even the finest branchings of the root canals are easy to identify and to treat. Using dental operating microscopes modern techniques of root resection have long-term success rates between 87 and 97 percent – according to published scientific reports.

Radio-frequency scalpel

The patented radio frequency microsurgery is a minimally invasive procedure created by the manufacturer Ellman. This proven technology has been employed by us for many years. Its advantages are that it is much less harmful to tissues than other procedures and that it is an extremely precise procedure removing tissues exactly where needed. The easy guiding of the flexible tip without applying any pressure at all makes possible very clean and germ-free cuts that will injure surrounding tissues much less than conventional procedures with handheld instruments, electric scalpel or laser. Tissues heal fast without any tendency to form scars or retract. The radio frequency scalpel is especially suited to operations in sensitive areas, such as the periphery of the gums or in esthetic facial surgery. In addition, this technology is very good for operating near implants and metal rims, since the depth of the cuts can be adjusted through the tip of the electrode.

As a rule, operations with a radio frequency scalpel cause less post-surgical problems such as swellings or pain.

Hilotherm® cooling mask

Especially after complex surgical treatments there will be increased blood supply to the area operated and thus an overheating of the tissues due to inflammation. Immediate cooling can help alleviate this very well and even prevent swellings, pain or hematoma. We are using a Hilotherm® cooling mask that has been specially developed for this purpose. The advantages as compared to icebags and cooling packs: once you have set the temperature it will remain constant and alleviate pain permanently. In addition, the temperature can be adjusted to different requirements, a feature that has positive effects on the healing process. In many cases, pain medication can be reduced or is not needed at all. Also, the anatomically shaped cuffs are adjusted to the face and a light belt for fastening the mask will ensure great comfort and free hands.

Operating room with recovery room

With its own operating room for outpatients the Bethanien Dental Center has a specialized room for oral surgery. Our operating team will take care of your treatment using state-of-the art operating techniques, instruments and auxiliaries (e.g. tissue-saving piezosurgery, radio frequency scalpel). In our rooms surgery patients can be operated with local anesthesia but, of course, also with general anesthesia or in twilight sleep. Our professional staff will carefully supervise you right after surgery in our directly adjoining recovery room – if you had general anesthesia the anesthesiologist is also going to be there. In the recovery room you can recuperate and, if necessary, apply our cooling mask for alleviating pain and preventing swelling and hematoma.

Operations under general anesthesia

The patient’s wellbeing is always most important for our Frankfurt team. And we’ll be happy to fulfill your wish for pain-free treatment. Of course, we are only using anesthetic procedures in compliance with current scientific standards. During therapy you will be given pain-preventing medication – which ones depends on the kind of treatment required. Prior to any treatment we take time to inform you in great detail about the various possibilities for sedation and anesthesia and to answer any questions you may have. In cooperation with the anesthesiologist, we are going to find the perfect solution for you.

For the removal of wisdom teeth or simple implants local anesthesia of the area being treated is totally sufficient, but major surgical operations require general anesthesia.

In addition, we can put you in a condition of twilight sleep during treatment. This is a so-called analgosedation that is administered and supervised by the anesthesiologist. You will be injected with a defined combination of anesthetics and sedatives so that you will feel no pain, be relaxed and still be responsive. The recovery stage after sedation is short. And this type of anesthesia is very well tolerated by patients.

In cases of major surgical operations or for treating anxiety patients generall anesthesia may be indicated.

Part of the wide range of surgical treatments will be performed in our own outpatient operating room that is equipped in accordance with highly up-to-date hygienic and technical standards. Attached to it is a recovery room where our Frankfurt team will care for you after surgery while you recover. For more complex operations we use the operating room of the adjacent Bethanien Hospital for our inpatients.

General anesthesia will switch off your consciousness and pain sensitivity during the whole surgical procedure. The oral, maxillofacial and facial surgery team and the anesthesia team are going to cooperate closely.

The anesthesiologist will initially administer an intravenous (injected into the vein) anesthetic medication. Once anesthesia has set in, the anesthesiologists will introduce a little tube (:intubation anesthesia) into your air tube through which oxygen and anesthetic gas will be introduced. For short procedures we can also use a mask (mask anesthesia). During the whole time your heart and circulation rates and your breathing will be constantly supervised. When the surgery is finished anesthesia will be phased out and you can recover while our staff cares for you in the recovery room.

At our Oral, Maxillofacial and Facial Surgery Center you will not only receive detailed advice but also instructive literature and brochures about surgery under general anesthesia.

Have you any further questions about general anesthesia? Our teams of the Center for Oral, Maxillofacial and Facial Surgery and of the Implantology Competence Center are always ready to give you more detailed explanations and advice.